Already attend Redeeming Grace?

Join Us on a Sunday Morning

If you're new to the area, looking for answers, or searching for a fresh start, we would love to welcome you to our Sunday service.

What to Expect

Here's what a typical Sunday morning looks like:

Two young women hug each other in front of the entrance to Redeeming Grace Church in Franklin, TN.

01. Arrive

Our service begins at 10:30 AM and usually ends at 12:00 PM. Come as you are comfortable, whether that means dressing casually or dressing up. We meet in the Williamson Square Shopping Center located at 1113 Murfreesboro Road, Suite 310, down the corridor from Sola Salons and Painted Tree. There will be signs directing you to the service as you pull into the parking lot. As you walk in, you will be greeted by a team of people who would be glad to serve you or answer any questions you may have.


02. Have Kids?

Our Sunday children’s ministry is called RGKids and offers care and classes for children ranging from newborns through 1st grade. If you would like your children to participate in RGKids, head to the left after you enter the building. There, you’ll see a check-in area with folks who are ready to help and answer any questions you may have. All of our RGKids volunteers are church members who are MinistrySafe qualified and trained. 

Two young moms hold their children and smile at the camera at Redeeming Grace Church in Franklin, TN.


A man in an orange shirt stands with his back to the camera and raises his left hand in worship at Redeeming Grace Church in Franklin, TN.

03. Singing

Singing together is one of our favorite parts of Sunday morning. There is nothing like hearing our church family lifting our voices to sing about the gospel of Jesus Christ! Our music is a mixture of hymns and contemporary Christian music, all of which reflects a deep passion for God. During our time of singing, we may also read Scripture, celebrate baptisms, enjoy the Lord’s Supper, or read a historic confession together. We typically sing for about 30 minutes.


04. Bible Teaching

God’s word is central to our worship service. We preach through one book of the Bible at a time, with occasional breaks for topical series. Our sermons, which generally last between 40-45 minutes, are centered on Christ and directly applicable to our lives. Afterward, we close with a song and a benediction from Scripture that sends us out strengthened in our faith and trusting in God’s goodness to us.

Pastor Jason Stubblefield at Redeeming Grace Church in Franklin, TN stands behind a podium.


Two elderly women stand shoulder to shoulder and smile at the camera in the lobby of the Redeeming Grace Church in Franklin, TN.

05. Get Connected

You’ll find that our church family really enjoys hanging out together after the service! People are slow to leave the building and love to visit and fellowship after church. You’re welcome to stay as long as you’d like, but make sure to pick up one of our gift bags for visitors in the lobby before you go. If you have questions or would like to learn more about Redeeming Grace Church, you can fill out a guest card online or in person at the guest table. Additionally, take advantage of our regular guest receptions and/or the treats that are often provided to encourage folks to stick around and get to know one another. Our pastors are also available before or after the service and would love to meet, speak with, or pray for you.

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