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How We Teach the Bible
At Redeeming Grace Church you’ll hear biblical, Christ-centered expositional preaching.
- Expository - Scripture is meticulously unpacked, revealing timeless truths for modern living.
- Gospel Centered - Every message points to the free gift of salvation that comes only by God’s grace.
- Applicable - All of Scripture is breathed out by God, and offers practical wisdom for our daily lives.

Where God Leads
God directs and empowers His people by the Holy Spirit, in order that He might save His people through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Pastor: Dave Odom
Scripture: Acts 16:6-15

Enjoying True Life Under The Sun
Apart from God life is utterly futile, but with God life is undeservedly full.
Pastor: Jason Stubblefield
Scripture: Ecclesiastes 1:1-11

Putting on Generosity
God abundantly gives us His grace in order that we might be generous in extending His grace to others.
Pastor: Dave Odom
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 9:6-15

Our Eternal God
God is beyond time and the universe; He has no origin or creation.
Pastor: Jason Stubblefield
Scripture: Psalm 90:1-17